
Adventures of Calico - rescue mission

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SkadiaTrazon's avatar

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    "That should shut yer yap, dog." A loud metal clank was heard as an iron muzzle was fitted over the werewolf's snout. A man stood before the beast, his blond hair almost the same color as his skin in the torchlight. He sneered as the creature struggled, his perfect teeth catching the same flickering light. "You have done enough damage to my trade route mutt," He looked the beast up and down one more time. "Or to be more precise, Bitch."

    A deep growl rumbled in the creature's chest. A deep grey, almost black fur covered its entire body. No markings distracted you from the glimmer of the color. Her lips were curled back but her jaw was kept tightly locked shut by the heavy gage muzzle. Her breasts heaved on her chest with every breath and her limbs were spread wide and tied down. Heavy metal kept her from moving more than just a few muscles. One of her leg clamps was already making her legs bleed. This contraption was made for humans, not anthro creatures.

    Thunder cracked against the stone walls and echoed through the building. The man walked over, a small paring knife in his hand. "I won't kill you, not just yet dear pup. You are going to have so much fun first." The tip of the blade tore a small bit of her skin and fur from her upper thigh. The creature's life blood trickled down its dark fur, leaving a gooey trail as it flowed. The man turned on his heel and left the chamber. The heavy iron and wood door rattled behind him.

    Nina listened for a moment, her ears swiveling in all directions before she took in a deep breath. She knew she had to calm down. She had heard the man walk down the hall, and the two guards take up place outside her chamber. She took another deep breath and could hear a rumble as she felt the stone walls around her shake.

-------               -------

    The Esmeralda was afloat just barely though in the shallows a few meters out from the tower. The Captain stood upon the rail of the deck, her leather coat billowing in the wind. She called to a man walking upon the top of the tower. "Hey you!" She screamed over the wind. When the man up top did not respond to her, she opened her hand. "Loki, hand me my bow please." She said with a sly grin.

    Her first mate stepped up to her side, a long recurve bow in his massive paws. His muscles flexed as he handed it up to her. "Thank you." She drew an arrow from the quiver that Loki held and pulled the bow back. She took her aim and released. The twang of the bow was echoed off the tower walls. Her arrow struck true. It landed right into the watchman's knee. He went down cursing.

    Three more guards came rushing over and looked out to the ocean. Calico stood there watching them. "Release my werewolf!" She screamed again. She knew they heard her, all three of them looked at each other and their eyes went wide. None of them moved though. "Release her or I will unleash fire upon you!" She called out. Her cannons were already loaded and ready. She was just waiting for a reason to unload her fire power. The men tripped over each other to relay the messages.

    Within a few moments another man in full armor came trotting out to the cliffside.  "Captain says you will get nothing!" He shouted over the sea spray.

    A dark smile crossed Calico's face. "There is only one captain around here!" She roared at him in return. Her entire crew behind her echoed her roar. She held up one hand to silence them. Within the count of two she had silence from her crew. "Fire." She spoke as she dropped her hand. A few men called down below and within a moment cannon fire echoed on the cliff. Rocks crumbled and fell into the water and a few shells contacted with the tower wall.

   Hunks of the stone tower crashed into the churning water below. As they fell they took parts of the cliff with them and the splashes crashed against the Esmeralda. Calico stood on her railing, hands on her hips with a smug look on her face. She had a lot more where that had come from and while her men reloaded down below she called her first mate over to her. "Loki, gather a small troop, I'll send you in before I topple the place." He nodded and went about his task.

------      ------

    "I need about four of you to come with me. Who wants to break in some skulls?" A few of the men sneered at the offer. A large boar like beast lumbered up. His back was hunched over and covered in a course bristled hair. One of his tusks had been broken many years back but he had taken a file to himself and brought it into a crude point. The other had rings of gold decorating the full tusk. His shoulders were almost as wide as he was tall, but his legs were well muscled. It looked as if he could break through the stone was just by charging it.

    "I want in on this venture." Armel growled as his hooves clipped on the deck.

    Another of the sailors gated up to Loki and Armel. This one was much taller and covered with green and black scales and plates. His long muzzle resembled an alligator but his body was thin and muscled. His tail flexed behind him, the tip just a few inches off the ground. He curled a three finger fist and raised it. "I shall fight for you, and the Cap'n." Syn curled back one of his scaled lips to reveal rows of sharp pin like teeth. His strides were long and soon he stood next to the others with a long pike in his hands.

      Loki nodded at the taller crew member, as the three stood together he scanned the few who stood before him. "Anyone else?"

    To many of the crews surprise one final member stepped up. The newest to the crew, she had just joined after their last stop in Tortuga. A sleek black jaguar walked forward. Her markings not visible under the dull sunlight. "I'll go." She spoke softly as her eyes held Loki's. The two behind him laughed, the boar almost threw himself backward as he burst with full on laughter.

    Loki glared back at them and within an eye blink both of the crew feel silent. He looked back at the Jaguar. "And what will you bring to this fight, there will be blood spilled."

    "I can hold my own." She just smiled. Sense out on the open water she had yet found the chance to prove herself, other than a few skills she showed the captain. None of the crew however really knew why she was there and none of them would question it either. Calico's orders were law on her ship, and the crew liked their pay.

    "Prove it." The boar creature gruffed as he started to run toward her, his head down.  She didn't move, didn't blink. All she did was side step him at the last moment. Her body seemed to twist in her skin. He took another several steps before he skidded to a halt. He snorted in anger and charged again.

    The jaguar took a deep breath and her markings started to glow with their own purple light. The full moon flanked by two crescent moons shimmered. The moon sliver on her tail lit up as she pulled it up taking her fighting stance. She might not be trained with might, but she was highly skilled in magic. She whispered a few words into the wind and then drug her hands up from the ground. Armel stopped dead in his tracks, a loud thump was heard as he fell to the deck of the boat. The crew looked around and gasped.

    The creature shook his head and slowly got to his feet rubbing his skull plate. "I don't know what you did there lass, but not many have ever stopped me." He shook the grogginess from his skull and walked back over my Loki, taking his place again. The crew around was dead silent, their mouths all gaping open from what they had just seen. Magic wasn't uncommon, but most of them didn't know what mages were ever capable of. They gawked for a moment before Loki's voice shook them.

    "Anyone else have a problem with her going?" He grinned with his arms crossed. When Calico was busy the law of the boat fell to Loki's large shoulders. It wasn't his favorite thing, but he was good at commanding a group. "No? Good, then let's go, we need to get the prisoner out before Calico levels it. Armel are you alright to go?" He looked over to the first member that had stepped up.

    "I wouldn't miss the chance for anything in the world." His lips pulled back in a grin and his hair bristled. He was a fighter and nothing was going to stop him from this one.

    "Move out!" Loki roared as he turned on his heel and charged toward the edge of the ship. "Ready Captain."

    Calico was watching the men on land scramble. A few had already taken off running towards the forest behind them. It pleased her to watch them all fall over each other in chaos. "Take the bridges and land them where you can, we will hold steady while you get across." A few of crew that was nearby heard the orders and jumped into action. Within a few moments the ladders were across the water and touching the rocks on the cliff across from them. Loki and his small crew quickly crossed.

    They clamored up the rock wall within moments. Even Skadia, the jaguar, had no problems on her first mission. As they rounded the top of the cliff side a small troop of men rushed over to them. There was maybe fifteen to twenty of them. Loki flexed and readied himself. Armel shook his head and lowered it, and the lankly reptilian pulled his pike off his back. "Loki, go get the prisoner. We can handle this mess." Skadia spoke softly but her voice was clear and confident. Her markings started to glow and her lips moved as a small ball of fire flew from her hands. It blocked off the men from going in one direction, funneling them towards the small group of pirates.

    "Don't have too much fun." Loki chuckled as he lunged toward the tower that was starting to crumble. He didn't have long, but he wouldn't need too much time. His paws dug into the earth, his dislike of footwear proved to be a blessing this time. He reached the tower within moments with no resistance. "Guess those other three will be busy." He mused to himself as he threw his shoulder at the main door.

    The wood crumbled under his strength sending splinters everywhere. His eyes took a moment to adjust to the dark of the building, but in that moment a fist made full contact with his face. He heard the crunch of the human's bones against his jaw and he felt his head spin just a bit. He didn't need to think though, he just needed to react. His fist balled and he threw a punch to the man's chest. He felt metal but heard it crunch under his blow. The man gasped and fell back. Loki just walked over him.

    The hulking cat made his way through the halls, most seemed abandoned. Most of the men scattered after the first few cannon shots. At one point he turned a corner and the man who had been running in one direction skidded to a halt and just stared at Loki. "Prisoner?" Was all he had to ask in his deep growling voice. The man just pointed a shaky finger down a hall pass. Loki nodded and raced down the hall.

-----     ------

    Nina was taking deep breaths, her leg wound had slowly stopped bleeding but the cuffs had only dug in deeper. She felt the tower shake but didn't know what was happening, then suddenly she heard everyone rushing around outside and the two guards at her door shouting with another man. One of them smashed their fist against her door, braking a few bones. She not only heard him curse, but heard the breaks as well.
    The minutes ticked by and her heart would not stop racing. Suddenly the guards outside her door started to yell. There was a lot of loud noise that ranged from swords being drawn, to the patter of bare paw pads, and even the crunch of broken bones. Within a few moments the sounds all stopped. There was silence and then a grunt as her door was ripped from the hinges.

-----      -------

    Loki stood there in the door, a cut on his temple and his muscles heaving with his heavy breaths. He dropped the door to the stone floor and walked into the room. "Hey there, my name is Loki, I'm the first mate of the Esmeralda and I'm going to get you out of here." He said with a soft slow voice as if speaking to a child. He slowly walked over to the werewolf his hands open towards her. His fingers wrapped around the metal that was wrapped around her snout. With a good tug the iron gave way and broke open.

    Nina looked at him, he was being so kind and gentle, she had no doubt he would save her. "Thank you."

    Loki smiled up at her as he broke open the rest of the cuffs that bound her. "Don't thank me just yet, we have to get back to the ship before Calico blows this place up." He chuckled to himself as the canine's eyes became as wide as a full moon. He helped the werewolf to her feet. "Your name please miss?"


    "Pretty, let's get you out of here. Can you walk?" He held out a hand to steady her. She took a step and to both of their surprise nothing was broken. She was tired and weak, but she could stand. She nodded and Loki started half dragging her through the halls and out of the tower that had been keeping her prisoner.

    The sun was bright and Nina's eyes took a few moments to adjust to the full light of it. Loki looked over and seen three familiar faces come running over. "You made it!" Skadia said in delight as the men all started to snicker.

    "Of course I did, how did you all fair?" He asked the group as they all started moving toward the ship.

    Armel spoke up for the group as he continued to watch behind them for any stragglers. "We did just fine without you, ya bloke. This little lass here might actually give even you a run fer yer money. Took out eight of them buzzards herself." He seemed to speak with pride. You could see a hint of red on the jaguar's face.

    "Is that so? The captain will be happy to hear about that." He chuckled as the ship loomed overhead.

    Nina spoke up for the first time sense her rescue. None of the crew asked her questions, not because they didn't care, but they knew they would find out in due time. "How will we be getting back on the ship?" Her eyes widened as they made it to the Cliffside.

    This time Syn laughed the loudest. "We'll throw you up on board, worry not." He said it as a joke and got a stern look from Loki. He held up his three fingered hands defensively. "Sorry boss, just joking."

    "Calico will drop a ladder for us, hope you can climb. If not, then we can just throw you up there." He grinned at her while Syn stood there with his maw open wide.

    Sure enough as the small cluster of crew approached Calico called out to lower a ladder. A roll of tied ropes fell over the side of the boat and up they all went. "Nice to see you made it." Calico took Loki by the arm and the two touched foreheads. She then stepped back and called out to below deck. "Unleash hell on the tower!" The crew roared as cannons were shot. The cannonballs crashed against the stone tower and after a second round there was a massive hole in more than one spot. Another few cannonballs were launched at the tower and they hit their mark. The building started to cave in, the bricks and beams clashing against each other and caused even more damage. Within moments the crew cheered as the building was leveled to a pile of rubble. "Back out to sea you dogs!" Calico said as she walked over to their newest crew member. "Captain Calico." She took her hat off and bowed slightly.

    "Nina ma'am." The werewolf looked at her and smiled. "Thank you for saving me."

    She was going to say more, but Calico cut her off. "Thank Loki, I just like to blow up their stuff." She grinned and jabbed a thumb behind her toward where the tower had once stood.

    Nina laughed for the first time in a long time. "Alright, but how did you know where to find me? How did you know all of this?"

    Calico fell silent and the smile on her face vanished. She pulled a necklace out of a leather pouch and pressed it into the werewolf's hand. Her soft fingers wrapped the longer canines around the treasure and without a word she turned on her heel and walked away. Nina looked into her hand and her eyes welled with tears. Calico broke the moment by calling back over her shoulder. "By the way Nina, welcome to the crew." A few of the other broke out into a cheer. "Skadia, with me." She said in a stern voice as she started to descend below deck. The black jaguar sprinted after her, a large smile on her face.

    Nina turned to Loki and hung the necklace around her neck, her fingers lingering on the large dark opal like gem. "Thank you Loki, how can I even repay you for saving my life?" Her large eyes looked up at him, still a glimmer of tears in the corner.

    He smiled at her and lifted her chin up with one hand. "A blowjob would be nice." He laughed as a scowl crossed her face and her brows narrowed at him. "Or you can just say that cats rule and dogs drool." He laughed again and she smiled softly. "There is no thanks needed. Welcome to the crew." He nodded and the werewolf broke into an even bigger smile. Loki too, turned away and went back to his helm and pulled the ship around to start their way back out to sea.

    Nina smiled and sighed heavily. Her fingers traced the stone as a great feeling of home overwhelmed her. She sucked in a deep breath of salty sea air and walked to the front of the ship. She was home and safe now, and that was the best feeling in the world.
Calico finds herself on a rescue mission to save a werewolf and welcome her aboard.

I had a lot of fun with this one and I am hoping it leads to many more adventures with Calico and her pirate crew. Let me know what you think.

P.S. remember this is my work. And art is not mine, I do have permission to use it.

P.P.S. I would love to see any fan arts XD
© 2016 - 2024 SkadiaTrazon
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Illusionna's avatar
Good to see you back in action!